Contents and structure
The Master in Sustainable Architecture - Smart Building and Urban Innovation @ Istituto Europeo del Design in Turin is a 9 months full time studio based program.
Sustainability is addressed in terms of Design strategies that optimise environmental, energy and social behaviours of the urban built environment. Smart building involve interactive and web connected technology to be embedded within architecture in order to become aware of what is going on in the surrounding environment and acquire the capability of virtuous reactions. City innovation is the challenging variations that the problematic post-industrial polluted cities will have to face over the next few years.
The first month (April 2014) will be dedicated to introduce the students to the skills of the job, including 3d modeling, digital fabrication, Arduino technology, and principles of environmental strategies. From the second month, and through the next 8 months, the students will work on a challenging thesis project that will be presented to a public audience at the end of the Master in January 2015. During this phase, a series of activities (theoretical lectures, seminars, design workshops, conferences, construction workshops) to be held every other week will stimulate the students on the topics of Green Energies Design Strategies, Smart Technologies for the Built Environment, Design rating systems and certifications, Big Data, Urban Sharing. All the input coming from these activities will be embedded in the students design work to develop a compelling thesis project.
IED Life and Network
The IED building is in the heart of the Torino City Center and it's an exciting international environment with more than 800 students from all over the world. IED is a global network of Design Schools that counts more than 10,000 students worldwide. The network is composed also by a large number of Institutions, Companies and Professionals that are actively involved in the student's design activities with the goal of creating exciting working opportunities for our alumni.
This Master program in Sustainable Architecture - Smart Building and Urban Innovation at IED Torino has been founded in 2009 as an innovative program to train designers capable of understanding and managing environmental and energetic design strategies in the urban built environment. The first coordinator has been Mario Cucinella. From 2011 to 2013, the Master has been coordinated by Riccardo Balbo (current Director of IED Torino). Starting from this year (2014), the new coordinator is Cesare Griffa.
The current Faculty team and network of Companies that will be involved in the course organisation is now under definition. All classes and workshops will be held by Professionals, Academics and Researchers well known in their specific fields, under the general coordination of Cesare Griffa.
In recent years, Turin and Piedmont have been experiencing a period of far-reaching international re-evaluation, both of their scientific and technological heritage and of their historical, cultural, artistic, sports, tourism, conference and wine and food resources.
Turin is showing the world how to face the challenge of change and diversification with courage, forging itself a pioneering role as a workshop for experimenting and developing new entrepreneurial attitudes, alongside its more traditional manufacturing vocations.
The city at the hub of Italy’s post-war industrial renaissance, Turin has developed a complex, articulated economic fabric, anchored solidly to the tradition of its automotive industry, but also markedly dynamic and innovative, featuring resources, expertise and centres of excellence that have nurtured the evolution of a multi-faceted entrepreneurial system in recent years: from information and communication technologies, audiovisuals and aerospace to scientific and technological research and the education and training necessary to support a wide range of new services for enterprise.
If you are wondering how to join us for an unforgettable year long experience, you only need to click the links below to receive more info on how to enrol (price, admission requirements, attendance and more).