A 720p video shot at 59.94 fps with the Canon EOS Rebel T3i. Edited with Final Cut Pro and used Compressor to get a 1.7gb h264 video file at best quality. Paired with two lenses, the Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS and the Canon EF 300mm f/4 IS w/1.4 extender. I also used a Zacuto Z-Finder Pro 2.5x for fine focus and a Manfrotto 701 HDV fluid head on Benro 3580 tripod legs.
The Pinoy Dragon Warriors of the Philippine Dragon Boat Federation won 5 Gold and 2 Silver Medals in the 2011 International Dragon Boat Federation World Racing Championships in Tampa Bay Florida.
The background music credits go to music artist Possimiste. His "Flight of LuLu" can be found here...freemusicarchive.org/music/Possimiste/
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