30.000 dollars are missing from your personal bank account - that is, the one the money in your pocket (check 'em; "Federal Reserve Notes") is based upon. The "cop" you thought was watching your $30,000 dollars says... she doesn't know where it is. And frankly, she isn't even looking!
Fantasy? If only it were.
This is your life now.
For all Americans put together, that adds up to 9 TRILLION missing dollars. That's YOUR $30.000 added up with everyone else. Where did it go?
The so-called "Federal Reserve" is neither federal, nor is it a reserve. It is rather an ultra-secret private company which has illegally been put in charge of your money. What are they doing with your money? After many years, someone in government finally decided to take a look... and that is what was found! Quickly the faux Fed clammed up again - and no wonder.